I'm only the Attorney
I was chatting with a friend of mine who recently had a very pregnant woman walk into her office and announce that she wanted to give up her child for adoption and needed my friend to find her a family. In twenty years of practice she told me this had never happened. My friend has done numberous adoptions but never has she done the actual match making so to speak. "It was exciting and nerve wracking" she confided in me. "I was helping to put a family toghether and get this young girl out of a situation she really did not want to be in." The girl was only 19 and opted against abortion but knew she did not want to raise a child. She seemed confidant in her decision and resolve but my friend being the good lawyer that she is, was never the less wary of being overly optimist over the outcome. "I'm having trouble sleeping now she told me.." "Why?" I asked "You aren't the one giving birth and you aren't the one investing money and assets into this endeavor." "I have an emotional investment in this," she continuted, "I feel like I am the one with the clearest head in all of this and I worry that someone will get hurt." "It's a leap of faith for the couple," I counselled knowing full well that I would be feeling all the same emotions in her shoes. "You afterall, are only the attorney. All sides are aware of the risks and all you can do is wait. By the way how long are we talking about?" "Anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks." she stated. " um," I mused..."I guess Divorces aren't the only type of law that brings on a Ben & Jerry craving for NY Super Fudge Chocolate Chunk. Want to get some?" "By the time this baby is born I will need Jenny Craig...." she only half joked. "Just keep repeating this mantra...I am only the attorney.....I am only the attorney...I am only the attorney...."
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