Hosting A Child; Testing the Waters of International Adoption
Family Builders Finding a Forever Family
Recently I met a lovely family who called themselves international adoption "facilitators" specializing in Ukrainian adoptions. When I adopted my daughter from Russia over 5 years ago I called my "facilitators" angels. In the world of adoption that is indeed what they are. This family of facilitators tries to put together a number of families interested in "hosting" an international child(who by the way is already free for adoption) for a three week period. During the host period the family is asked if they would be interested in adopting the child they are hosting.
Children deemed appropriate for the rigors in international travel and who are or will soon be free for adoption are selected by their orphanage director and Ukrainian coordinator. The children are free of communicable diseases and they have been vaccinated according to American standards. The children are escorted throughout the flight by an interpreter who is available to the host families. Most of these children do not speak English, but over the course of the next three weeks the families and these children some how manage to communicate. Children who are age 5 or older and legally free for adoption are given preference to families who have had a previous and positive contact with them. In general, Ukrainian people are not interested in the adoption of "older" children, although as in Russia the Ukrains and the Russians are given first priority over Americans interested in adopting a particular child. The child is also given the opportunity do decide whether or not he/she wants to be adopted by the host family, but most times the decision is mutual.
In order to host a child a mini home study or completed home study is required; 2 letters of recommendation (from non family members) police clearance, and the completion of an online course on "Hosting Children From Abroad."
These American Angels have made connections in the Ukraine with facilitators who are experienced and well liked by the directors of the orphages in the region.
Hosting a child is an excellent way for families to decide whether or not international adoption is right for them. What better way to alleviate fear than to experience the joy of having child in your home and being a part of your daily lives. Even if the family chooses to by pass the adoption experience, the experience they have given this child and the effect it will have on their own family in years to come is priceless.
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