So A Couple Came Into My Office Today....
And I believe I talked them right out of Private Domestic Adoption. God forgive me if I have done them a disservice but the thought of representing any party again in a private adoption had me ready to hand in my happy law credo and dive back into my divorce trenches. This positively nice couple came in with all intentions of placing an 800 number in the paper and housing and meeting a frail young pregnant woman who wanted her child to have a better life. They were absolutely rosey in their concept of the how this was a wonderful idea of the young woman who may have found herself in a jam and the poor infant who would otherwise have a very difficult childhood. As I forced myself to not start screaming about how you couldn't be sure who to trust and who not to trust and the fact that they could very well be walking right into a con; helping a woman who actually had no intention at all of giving up her child but wanted financial help throughout her pregnancy and then conveniently changes her mind when the infant is produced. Or perhaps just some gold digger who wants to play "How much for that Baby In Utero?" Oh, don't worry, I stopped myself before I lost control and ran screaming from the room. I just very calmly started listing the cons of entering into this time of "agreement" though it is far from an agreement in this country where the baby is the one truly unprotected. I stressed the fact that the relinquishing of the child could not be made until the child was born and that they would have already made a hefty financial and emotional investment by that time. I then segue into the forum of International Adoption. I proceeded to advise them that in this type of adoption the children were usually already free for adoption and there would be no dealing with birth mothers. There are no open adoptions internationally, nor are there negotiations as to fees or expenses. Forgive me I said if I feel very strongly here, but I recently represented a birth mother who is in the process of suing for the child back and has implemented me in the course of this saying I forced her into this process. Of course that is the furthest thing from the truth and in fact, I believe that I was the one duped in all of this. I firmly believe this was a hoax from day one and that myself and the adoptive parents were pawns to this addict (no, I didn't know she was an addict at the time)and I had no plans to put myself in such a position again. International adoption was much more agreeable to me in that my experience was by far the happiest and most rewarding time of my life. This couple left with a new idea and lots of websites and warm fuzzy feelings. Be it China, Russia, Guatemala or the Ukraine anyplace but the United States is the place to go for adoption....Yup just ask my girl....She'll tell you.
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