A Secret Blogger Visited Me
I had no idea my name would be given to a secret blogger. As I was roaming the blogosphere as I do reading adoption blogs, I can across the Secret Blogger idea and became intrigued. I volunteered to cheer up someone in the throws of this delightful but stressful endeavor since I had gone through it myself. I had explained to the founders of the idea that I would be glad to be an encourager since now with 4 children living at home I am done with reproducing or adopting. Well this week I received an email and then an amazon e-card and gift card from my secret blogger. What an unexpected treat!! First, I only shop from Amazon.com in that I hate physically going shopping, and second I am a computer freak! Just ask my family. Thank you secret blogger pal. I can't wait to chat with you and share our experiences.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Secret Blog Pals Running through the blogasphere...

Secret Blog Pals
Running through the blogasphere is a new phenomena I discovered called Secret Blog Pals. In the adoption community this was developed by two bloggers to help encourage and keep the spirits up of all those embarking on this endeavor. It sounds like a wonderful idea and I opted to join in the fun this round. It is anonymous which tends to make communication with your blog pal a bit of a challenge. The idea is to encourage without being found out. Comments to the bloggers website and snail mail greetings are encouraged as I have been told emails from the accounts of others which cannot be traced back to you. I have some books I will be mailing my blog pal and hope that the anonymous comments I made on her site help her out. Since I am through with my adoption adventure I volunteered to merely be one who encourages. As you all know from reading this blog I am an ardent supporter of Adoption and will talk about it to anyone who will give me an ear!
I wish I could speak with my secret pal directly in that I know she has been going through a rough time and wish I could tell her my stories and perhaps give her some insight as to why certain things have happened to her. Anyone interested in getting involved can read about this at http://www.russianbrown.blogspot.com. And to my friend Jen http://threesons.clubmom.com/three_sons who is just returning with her Pineapple Princess this week....I am thinking of you girlfriend; Enjoy every crazy minute and be sure to document it all when you get back; you daughter will LOVE reading about it someday. Here is to all the secret blog pals out there; may all your dreams come true.....soon!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
OH Oklahoma! What Were You Thinking?? The 10th C...
OH Oklahoma! What Were You Thinking??
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments examining the constitutionality of the Oklahoma Adoption Invalidation Law. The Act, passed in 2004, would ban state officials from recognizing a same-sex adoption. Same-sex couples anywhere with legally adopted children would lose their status as parents when inside Oklahoma. The United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma struck down the law in May, finding that the law "By its refusal to recognize and give effect to a valid judgment, from another court of competent jurisdiction, which established their status as parents of their respective children, the Amendment violates the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution, the Equal Protection Clause and substantive due process rights."
Interesting that Oklahoma feels it has the power to invalidate a law made by any state in the union. So this technically would mean that if a same sex couple and their children were involved in an auto accident while passing through the state of Oklahoma and all parties were rushed to a local hospital; the parents would have no authority to decide upon the children's medical treatment since in effect in the state of Oklahoma they are not legal guardians of these children but mere strangers! How absurd! If Oklahoma wants to ban same sex couple adoption the way Florida has, than so be it. It is there right to do so. However, as part of a union of united states, they DO Not have the right to invalidate any other states laws just because a party steps on their soil! It seems the Oklahoma state legislature and their governor who signed this into law think they are the rulers of their own fiefdom. Not so Oklahoma, as a resident of another state I am aghast at your gaul. If Oklahoma were to be allowed to get away with invalidating any other state's law what a mess this country will become. Each state will retaliate and nullify the state law of their choosing and people will be afraid to leave their own home state for fear of breaking the law of a sister state just by setting foot across a boarder. We are one country..Do you hear that Oklahoma?? Shame on you for instigating the start of another civil war. You have broken a Federal law with your arrogance and I'm sure you will be shot down. One Nation....Under God; Indivisible. It is your constitution too.
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