Parasites; Guardia; Lactose intolerance
Reading through the blogs of my fellow international adoptee parents I see that many of them are experiencing the very problems we did upon our arrival home with my daughter. My daughter loved everything we fed her, however, she had the most explosive and vile smelling bowl movements. We of course had her on soy right from the beginning knowing that lactose intolerance could be a problem and the issue did not abate.
We were a regular at the physicians office her first month home. Dealing with double ear infections, strep throat and what was diagnosed as Guardia. A parasite actually in her intestines which produced this horrendous bowl movement. The course of antibiotics for the removal of this parasite is a vile tasting pink liquid which we basically forced down my child's throat with a liquid syringe type gagit. The parasite which is said to be common in day care environments and especially in countries where the water quality is not up to snuff, usually takes two rounds at least of antibiotic to get out of the system. Once the parasite is gone, however, you child's little tummy is depleted of all the important bacteria it needs to digest non parasital food. Now enter acidophillas. I'm sure I have misspelled it and I even have trouble saying it. This is a health food store powder that has the same ingredients as yogurt.
Eventually her digestive tract normalized and my child was no longer exploding. The next issue she faced was seasonal allergies, but that is another blog for another day.....
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